Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Bath Time!

I love baths, hot tubs, hot showers, etc... I guess that Ellyson isn't really into them yet.
Give her a few years and I won't be able to pull the plug, she will want to soak all night in the tub!

Moles for Sale

Today Carter said that he was planting...however, it was in the dirt pushed up from a mole, so I guess that with a few sunny days and some water we are going to have several moles. Anybody want some?

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Look Mom, I Have Feet!

Friday, September 19, 2008

What's Up Doc

On Thursday Ellyson had her first visit to the doctor. Dr. Grubb is her pediatrician, he is married to Dr. Grubb my OB/GYN... we feel very comfortable with both of them.
He said that eveything looked good - she dropped another oz. so now she is a healthy 6.11 lbs.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Where's the Milk?

Remember those old Wendy's commercials where the little old lady asked "where's the beef? Today I have been asking "WHERE"S THE MILK?" Ugh.......

Daddy's Little Girl

Rodney and his little Elly are totally bonding. He came home from work today and just wanted to cuddle his precious little girl. I had put this onesie on her to remind everyone that she truly is "Daddy's Girl"! He is such a good dad, last night he helped me get her to sleep twice when I was so tired and needed backup - thank you daddy!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

How did it go?

This seems to be the question of the day. So, here is the whole story in a nutshell...
On Friday night around 10:30pm I thought that my water broke, so I called the hospital. Since we weren't sure if it really did (3 calls later) I rested until 4:30 and woke up and still felt that I needed to be checked and the nurse agreed. So we headed on in around 5:30am on Saturday morning. I have a bacteria that lives in my body called group b strep so I had to be admitted as soon as I thought that my water broke so I could be given antibiotics to prevent the spread of the bacteria to Elly. So, I "hung out" until labor and contractions started around 2:30...still no action...Pitocin started at 4:00 to help speed up labor and give it a kick...finally needed some drugs around 8:00pm (ouch, the doctor couldn't get the epidural in - 5 tries later, ugh!) and then I just laid there throughout the whole night waiting and waiting and waiting for Ellyson to move down so that I finally meet her and then after around 2 hours of active labor and pushing...I got to meet her.

Elly and I both are doing VERY well and had zero problems so we got to come home today!!


Ellyson Ann Switzer
September 14, 2008 6:15am
7lbs. 2oz. 19inches

Friday, September 12, 2008

Workin' at the Carwash

Carter and Daddy making our car look clean! Thanks guys!

Thursday, September 11, 2008


I Love Tomatoes! This is the 3rd year that I have planted and loved on my own tomato garden. For mother's day I asked for plants and special pots for my precious plants...I planted a roma, grape, sweet 100 and big beef. It was a slow summer, but by August each plant had lots of fruit and just then we just waited for the sun to make them red (the roma is still green, it was slow to produce). I am so impressed with myself, the plants are full,carefully loved for and the produce taste awesome! I am now a self proclaimed tomato gardener!

Mr. Preschool

Carter started preschool this week! He was really ready to get back to a routine and to play with other kids, I guess that I just wasn't cutting it for him this summer. This is his second year at Immanuel Luthern Preschool in Puyallup. Last year was a GREAT year and we are expecting just as much growth in him again this year.

Monday, September 8, 2008

2 "bumps" in the family!

My sister-in-law Mandi is pregnant too. So, little Ellyson will have a cousin to play with soon. Josh and Mandi are expecting their 1st baby around Dec. 4th...it's a girl! It has been so much fun go through our first pregnancies together.We have different views and opinions, but we are helping to educate each other with our own "stories". I can not wait to meet my newest little niece - we are so lucky to have a close family!

Meet Ellyson!

This is Ellyson Ann Switzer. In her first photo shoot she is posing with a wave of her right hand. What a doll, huh! This was taken on April 20th at our first ultrasound. This is the day that she became "Elly in my Belly"!

Team -Switzer is growing!

In January I got the "flu"...or so I thought. The actual diagnoses was a BABY!! We had been trying for several months and God thought that it was time - His perfect time. So after 6 weeks of a horrible sinus infection (I wanted to live in a hole) and several months of a "perfect pregnancy" we are finally ready to welcome our new little girl into our family. I have been sooooo blessed to have had little weight gain, no major aches, pains or problems throughout the last 9 months. Expected time of arrival...September 16th.